cute 4 year old Anna was so polite, she called me “miss Lisa” the whole time. Check out her baby blues, so pretty!
this girl is a serious natural in front of the camera. She is only 12, but she looks and acts like she is about 17! Beautiful Alayna, great job. All natural light in my home studio.
I can't believe she is only 12! These are really nice photos. I am sending anyone who wants kick butt seniors your way! 🙂
One 2 year old and two 8 month olds. One photographer, one mom, one grandma. We were all sweating about 10 minutes in and their mother, Gretchen, and grandmother said it was worse than running a marathon by the end – they know, they actually run marathons. It was a trick, but capturing images of […]
I love these Lisa!
My cute nieces!!!
I loved my time spent with baby Kimball. These are some favorite images after a session with only 2 pees, 1 poop, 2 nursing sessions, and lots of binky time. This is #5 for Nicole, doesn’t she look amazing?!
[…] is Kimball. you’ve seen him here before. from newborn (don’t judge the photography:)), with his family, and every year near his birthday. […]
just beautiful Lisa! Way to go.
Oh my sweetness! I love those. Makes me want a little nugget to squeeze.
by Lisa Harbertson
ellbell - i love anna! she's adorable!