This is my sister Ali’s brand new sister-in-law. She lives in SLC so she let me choose the location – I chose 2 favorite spots and I love the way the location created the look for this darling family. The kids are only 1 and 3 and they were so so good, we got many great photos. Here are some favs! Thanks for driving up and having such a fun evening with me you guys! 

2nd Location 🙂 my favorite turquoise wall
by Lisa Harbertson
{baby Emily | Utah newborn photographer} » Lisa Harbertson Photography - […] look at her gorgeous family. I love watching families grow up over the years…look at them here a couple years ago. I’m sure they can’t imagine life anymore without this sweet […]
Radfords - I love them all!! Thank you so much Lisa! Your the best! Made me smile to look at those, such a fun evening!