{adoption miracles}

I was pretty much giddy when these 3 beautiful mamas and 6 gorgeous children arrived at my studio. all those pretty faces to photograph! what an awesome story this is. I am blessed enough to live within one mile of these 3 awesome families who happen to have all adopted 6 children within 2 years! the “big boys” within months of each other, then the new little ones again within 2 months of each other. the other amazing part ~ each of these women have 3 to 6 other children, and Jenny and Janalen both delivered a biological child in between the adoptions. wow! I watch them with amazement because they are all the most patient, sweet mothers who take it all in stride. I added it up…there are 18 children between these 3 women. serious?! simply amazing! you go girls!

Annie was just sitting in the waiting room while her big brother and little sister got photographed, how could I resist?! so I scooped her up and took a few shots. those eyes! oh my gosh gerber baby!

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